2 Chronicles 13:12a
God is with us; He is our leader.
Last week’s episode of Game of Thrones centered around the coming of
Stannis to conquer King’s Landing. News
about his massive fleet reached the palace prior his coming, instilling anxiety
and despair to everyone. All except the young King Jeoffrey. Dressed in
arrogance and pride, he confidently talked success. But when he saw that even after their wildfire
first strike, and the enemies were still coming ashore, fear overtook him. He who was supposed to lead the fight asked his guards to represent him
on the field of battle while he returned to his chambers. Shocked in disbelief,
his men cried out: ‘Who are we fighting
for?’ ‘Who leads us?’
When Jeroboam drew up a battle line with eight hundred thousand able
troops against King Abijah’s four hundred thousand, we can readily picture one
side’s confidence and the other one’s creeping insecurity. But when Judah’s
king stood on Mount Zemaraim and delivered his piece, there was no trace of
any. No shaky hands, no cold feet, no stammering at all. He plainly stood on
the truth that God was on his side, leading them. And true enough, at the sound
of their battle cry, God was noted as first to move, smiting more than half of Jeroboam’s troops.
We are not told how He struck the northeners, but what is sure is that He
led in defending Judah, and won.
As leaders, whether in our homes, or workplace, or ministries, we are
often regarded as the end of the line. That when anything and everything goes
wrong, we’d be everyone’s last wall of defense. That’s one big responsibility
and a scary thought. It’s as if we’re immune to fear, invisible to arrows and perfect
in every move. How we wish we also have that luxury of not having the final say
and let another carry all the weight. But we do have Someone. He’s
actually wondering why instead of resting in His chambers, we’re trying to win
everything on our own. That’s why we’re losing grounds. Let Him man that top post. He will never leave
that wall until victory’s been won. I just praise Him for that load off!