2 Kings 2:23
From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!"
Earlier this week, a few friends posted this on their FB walls: “15 year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. People call her a "slut", no one knows she was raped at age 14. People call another guy "fat", no one knows he has a serious disease causing him to be overweight. People call an old man "ugly", no one knows he experienced a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country in the war. Re-post this if you are against bullying and stereotyping.” I may not be a fan of reposting pleas (or hoax?), but it sure did strike a chord in me. Reinforce that with real stories from moms in our Lifegroup yesterday, my heart started to burn in ‘holy’ anger. How could some people be so mean? Why would anyone bully an 8 year old? AND, where are their parents?!!
‘Go on up, you baldhead! Go on up, you baldhead!’ Imagine forty-two lads chanting repeatedly that it reverbed. Everybody on that road up to Bethel sure heard it but no one’s stopping them. No parent. No teacher. Nobody. The jeer was mixed with laughter, stirred in arrogance. Insult was their welcome party whenever prophets enter their town. ‘Anti-Baals not allowed!’ was their elder’s slogan in disgust to these ‘Thus saith the Lord’ killjoys. The news that Elijah was taken up to heaven could have fired up their godless shouts: ‘There goes your main man – and you’re next!’ Probably, Elijah was the only one whom they can’t stand against. His killing of four hundred fifty Baal prophets was enough to make a mark. With him gone, they’re fearless and out in the open. Little they did know that Elijah’s zeal rests in Elisha. They were insulting his person and his call, but it was foremost a mockery to God who made him and sent him. Now that, Elisha can’t tolerate. As so he turned around, called on God’s holiness, and the curse consumed them. Two she-bears mauled all forty-two, as God would in protecting His cub, and to honor His Name.
So, shall I teach my kids to call on God’s curse in preparation for their school days? As a mom, I’d probably do it myself, hahaha. But is praying for God’s judgment to avenge our kids the main point here? Did Elisha do it for his own protection? Why do you think Jesus rebuked James and John when they volunteered to call fire from heaven and destroy the Samaritans who did not welcome Him? Elijah and Elisha’s prayer was against God enemies who were hindering His saving work. The disciples’ were for pride and prejudice, also against His grace to save. What our kids need to learn is how to love their enemies and to do good to those who hate them. Yeah, quite foolishness to this world. But Jesus came for these bullies too. Of course safety measures are to be observed. But ultimately, it is for us to trust in God’s protection. These bullies have no parents to guide them right. We’re called to train ours in the Lord’s instructions. We ought to know the difference. Now for starters, how about not labeling them bullies? Try lost. Compassion will sure follow.