Monday, February 21, 2011

Major Major!

1 Samuel 20:31
“As long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send and bring him to me, for he must die.”

A hindrance is something or someone that interferes with or delays action or progress.  It makes a situation burdensome and a person weighed down. As a young, full time, home based mom, I try to make wise use of my time by having set-goals. I had to. For if not, I fear my life will just slip away, leaving me depressed and depreciating, haha :>  Daily, my major tasks are this devotional blog, my curriculum project in Windsong, and the kids homeschooling. That moved kids-sitting, household chores and social networking to minor status. Trouble comes when I shuffle categories along with my mood swings, or when the minors, literal and otherwise, hinder me from sticking to the majors. Now you know how I get angry, irritated and guilty. That’s twelve I’s and ME’s in just one paragraph!

When we make everything around us about us, we push all else to the minor category, or worse, be our major competition. King Saul was so obsessed in keeping his line and his rule that he disregarded both law and reason to his satisfaction. He saw David advancing from being a lowly shepherd to becoming a well-loved soldier. This flock-tender was now his son’s best friend, his daughter’s husband, and Samuel’s new apprentice. More and more for David meant less and less for him. Like Natalie Portman in the Black Swan, Saul couldn’t bear seeing someone standby as alternate. Especially not his harp-player.

What Saul and I, and many of us fail to realize is that God alone owns the center stage. That linear lifeline is not intended for us to draw our self-declared agenda, thus discredit others for standing in the way. God’s will is the only way. Either we walk alongside Him or be a hindrance to Him. Choosing the latter will not stop Him, but it will surely stop us. May God’s word be our guide in aligning our priorities right. It’s a major major mistake not to - -  enough to lose our crowns.

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Major Major!

1 Samuel 20:31
“As long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send and bring him to me, for he must die.”

A hindrance is something or someone that interferes with or delays action or progress.  It makes a situation burdensome and a person weighed down. As a young, full time, home based mom, I try to make wise use of my time by having set-goals. I had to. For if not, I fear my life will just slip away, leaving me depressed and depreciating, haha :>  Daily, my major tasks are this devotional blog, my curriculum project in Windsong, and the kids homeschooling. That moved kids-sitting, household chores and social networking to minor status. Trouble comes when I shuffle categories along with my mood swings, or when the minors, literal and otherwise, hinder me from sticking to the majors. Now you know how I get angry, irritated and guilty. That’s twelve I’s and ME’s in just one paragraph!

When we make everything around us about us, we push all else to the minor category, or worse, be our major competition. King Saul was so obsessed in keeping his line and his rule that he disregarded both law and reason to his satisfaction. He saw David advancing from being a lowly shepherd to becoming a well-loved soldier. This flock-tender was now his son’s best friend, his daughter’s husband, and Samuel’s new apprentice. More and more for David meant less and less for him. Like Natalie Portman in the Black Swan, Saul couldn’t bear seeing someone standby as alternate. Especially not his harp-player.

What Saul and I, and many of us fail to realize is that God alone owns the center stage. That linear lifeline is not intended for us to draw our self-declared agenda, thus discredit others for standing in the way. God’s will is the only way. Either we walk alongside Him or be a hindrance to Him. Choosing the latter will not stop Him, but it will surely stop us. May God’s word be our guide in aligning our priorities right. It’s a major major mistake not to - -  enough to lose our crowns.