Friday, February 4, 2011

Choose Your Battles

1 Samuel 17:23,24,26,28
“Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it. When the Israelites saw the man, they all ran from him in fear. David asked the men standing near him, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” When Eliab, David’s older brother, heard him speaking with men, he burned with anger at him.”

Around lunch time yesterday, I was informed of a smut campaign against a dear friend. The author was able to hack through his email accounts and forwarded the slander to his contacts. This was done behind anonymity, and apparently, she’s been bugging around for three years now. Her wicked schemes and the damage she’s creating never stopped because nobody was bold enough to confront her. They wouldn’t risk being noticed. And they’re right. One dared and is now in the hot seat. My ‘informer’ was not intimidated either. Being a godly man, he saw the bigger need to expose her lies in God’s light, and in love of course. My friend alerted his leaders too. His main concern is if and how this could affect the Name he carries, especially since he’s involved in a public ministry. She may have shouted out defiance, but God’s people heard it. We need not hide, nor run in fear.

We all know there are two responses to every challenge we face. One is fear, the other is faith. The former walks backward, the latter runs forward. One sees the big problem and all its odds, the faithful sees the Almighty God, bigger and sure to overcome. But sometimes, there’s the lukewarm party who neither attacks nor retreats. Big brother Eliab cared less if they lose this war, not with his youngest brother taking the credit. And so he burned with anger at the sight of David’s noble line of thought. His words were hurting and humiliating. Goliath was bragging out there, but Jesse’s giant defied from within. Without his sling and stone, the young shepherd already won one battle here. As brothers, they knew each other’s flaws, but David never took that advantage. He asked for and in truth, and so with clean confidence, he turned around and chose the battle worth further fighting for.

Are the challenges we’re facing today worth our time and all?  Are we burning with anger for the sins committed or because of its personal inconvenience to us? Jesus overthrew the buy-and-sell stalls outside God’s temple, but he calmly addressed those questioning why he dined with sinners. What’s the difference? Think about it. Go and choose likewise.

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Choose Your Battles

1 Samuel 17:23,24,26,28
“Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it. When the Israelites saw the man, they all ran from him in fear. David asked the men standing near him, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” When Eliab, David’s older brother, heard him speaking with men, he burned with anger at him.”

Around lunch time yesterday, I was informed of a smut campaign against a dear friend. The author was able to hack through his email accounts and forwarded the slander to his contacts. This was done behind anonymity, and apparently, she’s been bugging around for three years now. Her wicked schemes and the damage she’s creating never stopped because nobody was bold enough to confront her. They wouldn’t risk being noticed. And they’re right. One dared and is now in the hot seat. My ‘informer’ was not intimidated either. Being a godly man, he saw the bigger need to expose her lies in God’s light, and in love of course. My friend alerted his leaders too. His main concern is if and how this could affect the Name he carries, especially since he’s involved in a public ministry. She may have shouted out defiance, but God’s people heard it. We need not hide, nor run in fear.

We all know there are two responses to every challenge we face. One is fear, the other is faith. The former walks backward, the latter runs forward. One sees the big problem and all its odds, the faithful sees the Almighty God, bigger and sure to overcome. But sometimes, there’s the lukewarm party who neither attacks nor retreats. Big brother Eliab cared less if they lose this war, not with his youngest brother taking the credit. And so he burned with anger at the sight of David’s noble line of thought. His words were hurting and humiliating. Goliath was bragging out there, but Jesse’s giant defied from within. Without his sling and stone, the young shepherd already won one battle here. As brothers, they knew each other’s flaws, but David never took that advantage. He asked for and in truth, and so with clean confidence, he turned around and chose the battle worth further fighting for.

Are the challenges we’re facing today worth our time and all?  Are we burning with anger for the sins committed or because of its personal inconvenience to us? Jesus overthrew the buy-and-sell stalls outside God’s temple, but he calmly addressed those questioning why he dined with sinners. What’s the difference? Think about it. Go and choose likewise.