Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stunning Surprise

1 Chronicles 3:17
The descendants of Jehoiachin the captive: Shealtiel his son.

When I called my dad after Christmas, he was unstoppably praising God that my sister and my mom were on their way to her medical school, bringing with them the 93K tuition fee.  93K! I was high pitched myself at the miracle. For how were they able to raise that amount in two months time with his pastoral salary? God’s provision was just amazing! Their noodles and corned beef meals helped a lot too, haha :>  Day after that, my dad texted again that my cousin’s family from the province visited them for Christmas gifts – a Pinoy tradition. I can imagine the struggle in my parents’ heart to give because by then, they only had a few left. But in faith, they gave. That same day, an old lady friend dropped by the house and blessed them with cash gifts. They were pop-eyed once more. God tested their hearts to go empty for Him to fill them anew.  ‘Twas not the first time,  but God loves surprising them everytime :>

I started reading Chronicles three days ago and so far, it was all names and more names. A family tree template to be exact. There were some with interesting descriptions, like the mighty warrior Nimrod, or Peleg, in whose time the earth was divided, or the Edom kings, but I can’t seem to find anything relevant to life. Until I stumbled upon Jehoiachin’s name. He owned the last four verses of 2 Kings, and yes, I also found this evil king irrelevant. He reigned in Judah just three months and ten days, then he surrendered and was taken to Babylon, together with all the temple treasures. He was kept in prison for thirty seven years, then the unbelievable happed: Nebuchadnezzar’s son, now the king, released him and gave him a seat of honor, even higher than those of the other kings with him in Babylon. It was noted that he regularly ate at the king’s table, was kindly spoken to and was given allowance as long as he lived. How come? I let him escape my thoughts and his life excluded in my blog. But God never disregards any man, righteous or unrighteous. He saw to it that I’d stop to this familiar name again. And then the surprising realization: Jehoichin was where the bloodline from David to Jesus will pass through! God preserved and honored him, though undeservedly, because of Christ!  A stunning truth.

Grace still amazes me. Its extent surprises me. Grace can make any man climb heights though the world thinks he’s better underground.  Grace allowed evil kings of Judah ruling, included foreign women in Jesus’ geneology, even called Judas part of the Twelve. All served His purpose. All paved the way to Jesus’ glory. You and I are part of that grace list. Regardless if we acknowledge His Lordship or not, we will serve His will. Regardless if others  attach zero potentials to our names, He can accomplish great things through us. We may have prison walls around us now, but in time, He will surprise us with that release. Grace does that. Because of Christ, grace overflows. That’s the stunning truth!

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Stunning Surprise

1 Chronicles 3:17
The descendants of Jehoiachin the captive: Shealtiel his son.

When I called my dad after Christmas, he was unstoppably praising God that my sister and my mom were on their way to her medical school, bringing with them the 93K tuition fee.  93K! I was high pitched myself at the miracle. For how were they able to raise that amount in two months time with his pastoral salary? God’s provision was just amazing! Their noodles and corned beef meals helped a lot too, haha :>  Day after that, my dad texted again that my cousin’s family from the province visited them for Christmas gifts – a Pinoy tradition. I can imagine the struggle in my parents’ heart to give because by then, they only had a few left. But in faith, they gave. That same day, an old lady friend dropped by the house and blessed them with cash gifts. They were pop-eyed once more. God tested their hearts to go empty for Him to fill them anew.  ‘Twas not the first time,  but God loves surprising them everytime :>

I started reading Chronicles three days ago and so far, it was all names and more names. A family tree template to be exact. There were some with interesting descriptions, like the mighty warrior Nimrod, or Peleg, in whose time the earth was divided, or the Edom kings, but I can’t seem to find anything relevant to life. Until I stumbled upon Jehoiachin’s name. He owned the last four verses of 2 Kings, and yes, I also found this evil king irrelevant. He reigned in Judah just three months and ten days, then he surrendered and was taken to Babylon, together with all the temple treasures. He was kept in prison for thirty seven years, then the unbelievable happed: Nebuchadnezzar’s son, now the king, released him and gave him a seat of honor, even higher than those of the other kings with him in Babylon. It was noted that he regularly ate at the king’s table, was kindly spoken to and was given allowance as long as he lived. How come? I let him escape my thoughts and his life excluded in my blog. But God never disregards any man, righteous or unrighteous. He saw to it that I’d stop to this familiar name again. And then the surprising realization: Jehoichin was where the bloodline from David to Jesus will pass through! God preserved and honored him, though undeservedly, because of Christ!  A stunning truth.

Grace still amazes me. Its extent surprises me. Grace can make any man climb heights though the world thinks he’s better underground.  Grace allowed evil kings of Judah ruling, included foreign women in Jesus’ geneology, even called Judas part of the Twelve. All served His purpose. All paved the way to Jesus’ glory. You and I are part of that grace list. Regardless if we acknowledge His Lordship or not, we will serve His will. Regardless if others  attach zero potentials to our names, He can accomplish great things through us. We may have prison walls around us now, but in time, He will surprise us with that release. Grace does that. Because of Christ, grace overflows. That’s the stunning truth!