Friday, July 1, 2011

God's Doing

1 Kings 12:24
This is what the LORD says: ‘Do not go up to fight against your brothers, the Israelites. Go home, every one of you, for this is my doing.' So they obeyed the word of the LORD and went home again, as the LORD had ordered.

It has been a restless week for me.  My parent’s eight-day-visit meant hosting overload and cooking double than usual. For a young homemaker, that’s quite overwhelming. Add to that a major work invitation I received before they came which needs my decision TODAY. Busyness has always been an opponent of spiritual disciplines. Finding a quiet place to hear God’s word became a real struggle. My heart was pounding hard in anticipation of today’s verdict. ‘Twas a battle between good and His best. But which is which? I submitted myself to His Word and the counsel of two godly men. While pondering on today’s text, the expected call came from my boss, and sharing it with my husband, he likewise agreed.  Peace soothed my soul for it was clearly wisdom from God Himself. Then I went back to my reading and His confirmation surfaced in seemingly highlighted, bold prints: ‘This is My doing’. 

Rehoboam mustered a hundred and eighty thousand men from Judah and Benjamin to reclaim the whole Israel for himself. It was a war response for the rebellion of setting up another king in the northern, ten tribes. If they have no idea it was in punishment for Solomon’s idolatry, they have reasons to see it as a noble and just task. Israel was dividing the kingdom. That was treason! Out of nowhere came Shemaiah, a man of God, telling them to disband and go home - - for it was a fight against their own brothers, and because it was the Lord’s doing.  Interestingly, Rehoboam, who was just verses ago disregarded the plea of Israel and discarded the counsel of the elders, complied. Shemaiah sure did was a man of integrity and credibility for this king and all the men there to take his words as from God Himself. It was refreshingly commendable too that Judah obeyed God’s orders. Despite the idolatry Solomon left them with, they still recognize God’s authority over them. 

Sola Scriptura or the Bible alone is our final authority for faith and practice. Psalm 119:160 says ALL of His words are true and righteous and eternal. 2 Timothy 3:16 backs it up saying ALL scripture is God-breathed and is useful to thoroughly equip us for every good work. It is the solid rock in our ever changing world. People who have been trained by it we can regard as men of integrity whose walk matches God's talk. They are credible for their wisdom is not their own. It was with the same confidence when Paul said ‘Imitate me, just as I imitate Christ’. It will do us well to listen to Pauls and Shemaiahs and be like them. Besides, we do have the Word to cross check their claims. And like the Bereans, we can confirm if 'it is His doing' :>

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God's Doing

1 Kings 12:24
This is what the LORD says: ‘Do not go up to fight against your brothers, the Israelites. Go home, every one of you, for this is my doing.' So they obeyed the word of the LORD and went home again, as the LORD had ordered.

It has been a restless week for me.  My parent’s eight-day-visit meant hosting overload and cooking double than usual. For a young homemaker, that’s quite overwhelming. Add to that a major work invitation I received before they came which needs my decision TODAY. Busyness has always been an opponent of spiritual disciplines. Finding a quiet place to hear God’s word became a real struggle. My heart was pounding hard in anticipation of today’s verdict. ‘Twas a battle between good and His best. But which is which? I submitted myself to His Word and the counsel of two godly men. While pondering on today’s text, the expected call came from my boss, and sharing it with my husband, he likewise agreed.  Peace soothed my soul for it was clearly wisdom from God Himself. Then I went back to my reading and His confirmation surfaced in seemingly highlighted, bold prints: ‘This is My doing’. 

Rehoboam mustered a hundred and eighty thousand men from Judah and Benjamin to reclaim the whole Israel for himself. It was a war response for the rebellion of setting up another king in the northern, ten tribes. If they have no idea it was in punishment for Solomon’s idolatry, they have reasons to see it as a noble and just task. Israel was dividing the kingdom. That was treason! Out of nowhere came Shemaiah, a man of God, telling them to disband and go home - - for it was a fight against their own brothers, and because it was the Lord’s doing.  Interestingly, Rehoboam, who was just verses ago disregarded the plea of Israel and discarded the counsel of the elders, complied. Shemaiah sure did was a man of integrity and credibility for this king and all the men there to take his words as from God Himself. It was refreshingly commendable too that Judah obeyed God’s orders. Despite the idolatry Solomon left them with, they still recognize God’s authority over them. 

Sola Scriptura or the Bible alone is our final authority for faith and practice. Psalm 119:160 says ALL of His words are true and righteous and eternal. 2 Timothy 3:16 backs it up saying ALL scripture is God-breathed and is useful to thoroughly equip us for every good work. It is the solid rock in our ever changing world. People who have been trained by it we can regard as men of integrity whose walk matches God's talk. They are credible for their wisdom is not their own. It was with the same confidence when Paul said ‘Imitate me, just as I imitate Christ’. It will do us well to listen to Pauls and Shemaiahs and be like them. Besides, we do have the Word to cross check their claims. And like the Bereans, we can confirm if 'it is His doing' :>