Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Constant Care

1 Samuel 23:2-4
“He inquired of the Lord, saying ‘shall I go and attack these Philistines?’ The Lord answered him, ‘Go attack the Philistines and save Keilah.’ But David’s men said to him, ‘Here in Judah we are afraid. How much more, then, if we go to Keilah against the Philistine forces!’  Once again David inquired of the Lord, and the Lord answered him, ‘Go down to Keilah, for I am going to give the Philistines into your hand.”

My son loves dinosaurs. He can effortlessly call out their –saurus and -raptor names as if he was just saying cat or dog. His dino-life includes twenty-plus toys in the crate, illustrated themed books, ice age & barney dvds, ipad puzzles and games, glow in the dark stickers and his latest craze, playdough! Weeks back, he just asks his dad to give it a Jurassic shape. It wows us to see him mindful of details for he’ll complain when the clay figure misses a claw or a spike or should have rounder tail. Last week was milestone for he started to sculpt by himself. But it did not stop him from interrupting our dvd nights. Every now and then he comes in when he can’t make the reptile stand or when an attached horn falls off. His dad will tell him the solution and let him try again on his own. I usually echo ‘You can do it Rilian!’ But when he comes in again, teary-eyed pleading for help, his dad will sure take over the molding. He need not ask twice.

I can’t help but admire David’s heart to readily go and save the people of Keilah from those looting Philistines. Upon hearing the news and given his run-for-life status, he could have just prayed ‘Lord, help them’. That’s Christian enough. But his inquiry was, ‘Shall I go?’ It was already in the stance of moving. He merely needed God’s confirming word. Unlike most of us who are already in the rest position when troubles invade us, even wide-eyed in disbelief when asked to report for duty. David was not in denial either. On the contrary, he considered his men’s concern for their safety. He acknowledged their fears as his own and inquired of God once more. If he was all-courageous and God-confident, he could have encouraged them with faith words. But his was failing now. God saw it and being a caring, considerate Father, He shifted His promise from ‘You can do it’ to ‘I will do it”.  He’s all-empowering when we’re strong and He’s ever-present in time of need.  That's thoughtful!

This life has been a roller-coaster ride for all of us. Our seasons of ups and downs are ever changing and even those mature in the faith can’t keep their hold to be God-passionate all the time. Elijah prayed that he might die just after the Mount Carmel face-off. Peter who declared ‘I will never disown you’ thrice denied Christ within the same chapter. But fathers do not cease to love their children when they grow weak. They won’t give a scold either. God does not respond based on our variables, but He acts according to His constant love.  That’s why we call Him unchanging. In just three verses, we see David  both in faith and in fear. But to One constant did he twice run to. You don’t need to think twice you know :>  

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Constant Care

1 Samuel 23:2-4
“He inquired of the Lord, saying ‘shall I go and attack these Philistines?’ The Lord answered him, ‘Go attack the Philistines and save Keilah.’ But David’s men said to him, ‘Here in Judah we are afraid. How much more, then, if we go to Keilah against the Philistine forces!’  Once again David inquired of the Lord, and the Lord answered him, ‘Go down to Keilah, for I am going to give the Philistines into your hand.”

My son loves dinosaurs. He can effortlessly call out their –saurus and -raptor names as if he was just saying cat or dog. His dino-life includes twenty-plus toys in the crate, illustrated themed books, ice age & barney dvds, ipad puzzles and games, glow in the dark stickers and his latest craze, playdough! Weeks back, he just asks his dad to give it a Jurassic shape. It wows us to see him mindful of details for he’ll complain when the clay figure misses a claw or a spike or should have rounder tail. Last week was milestone for he started to sculpt by himself. But it did not stop him from interrupting our dvd nights. Every now and then he comes in when he can’t make the reptile stand or when an attached horn falls off. His dad will tell him the solution and let him try again on his own. I usually echo ‘You can do it Rilian!’ But when he comes in again, teary-eyed pleading for help, his dad will sure take over the molding. He need not ask twice.

I can’t help but admire David’s heart to readily go and save the people of Keilah from those looting Philistines. Upon hearing the news and given his run-for-life status, he could have just prayed ‘Lord, help them’. That’s Christian enough. But his inquiry was, ‘Shall I go?’ It was already in the stance of moving. He merely needed God’s confirming word. Unlike most of us who are already in the rest position when troubles invade us, even wide-eyed in disbelief when asked to report for duty. David was not in denial either. On the contrary, he considered his men’s concern for their safety. He acknowledged their fears as his own and inquired of God once more. If he was all-courageous and God-confident, he could have encouraged them with faith words. But his was failing now. God saw it and being a caring, considerate Father, He shifted His promise from ‘You can do it’ to ‘I will do it”.  He’s all-empowering when we’re strong and He’s ever-present in time of need.  That's thoughtful!

This life has been a roller-coaster ride for all of us. Our seasons of ups and downs are ever changing and even those mature in the faith can’t keep their hold to be God-passionate all the time. Elijah prayed that he might die just after the Mount Carmel face-off. Peter who declared ‘I will never disown you’ thrice denied Christ within the same chapter. But fathers do not cease to love their children when they grow weak. They won’t give a scold either. God does not respond based on our variables, but He acts according to His constant love.  That’s why we call Him unchanging. In just three verses, we see David  both in faith and in fear. But to One constant did he twice run to. You don’t need to think twice you know :>