Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fake or Faith

1 Samuel 14:15-23

Second part of this chapter tells how Saul and his men assembled and went to join Jonathan in the battle. The lookouts reported they saw the Philistine army melting away in all directions. Interestingly, Saul still found time to ask for Ahijah the priest and to bring him the ark of the covenant. Was he trying to appear spiritual? If he really needed God’s favor, why did he bring along an Eli-descendant, and not Samuel? And why was the ark brought again to battle? Unlike his son, Saul was not mindful of his history. No ark can bring them victory. Anyway, his show was short-lived and proven fake when commotion reached its height for he immediately called a withdraw of hand on the ark. So like us when we pray. Our impatience wants it fast and done our way. We even set a time limit for Him to answer, otherwise we’ll take the matter in our own hands. Tsk tsk! Arriving at the battle scene, they found the Philistines in total confusion, striking one another. Now ascertain of the win, they joined the pursuit, even those in hiding came out and fought along. Where were they when Jonathan was risking his life crossing enemy lines? Although God can pour down all help from heaven, He will not entrust it to men in their rest positions. His eyes range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2Chr16.9). God’s heroes are always on the move, acting upon their faith, and walking alongside Him. He honors workers, not wait-ers :>


Ever tried appearing spiritual? Let’s name a few:

Going to church on Sundays, but never godly on weekdays.
Asking people to pray for you, but never knelt down yourself.
Using bible verses in our conversations, but never really opened its pages.
Helping other people in need, but deaf to our family members.
Calling Him Lord, but never doing what He says.

I had my share of those stories. In fact all five examples. When I was younger and still with my parents, there are Sundays that we go to church and minister to people while still being angry with each other. There were a lot of instances that I even lead in worship yet I knew my heart wasn’t right with God. More humbling is when people tell me they were blessed with the singing. One big event in Windsong, it was in fact an evangelistic concert, that I was just so angry and bitter, and self absorbed all night. Many accepted and committed their lives to Jesus, and I can still remember how I so regret never being part of God’s victory, although part of its production! God gave Israel victory in this chapter because of one faith and regardless of all ‘fakes’. No one can hinder Him from blessing, but it is a pity when we forfeit our share.

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Fake or Faith

1 Samuel 14:15-23

Second part of this chapter tells how Saul and his men assembled and went to join Jonathan in the battle. The lookouts reported they saw the Philistine army melting away in all directions. Interestingly, Saul still found time to ask for Ahijah the priest and to bring him the ark of the covenant. Was he trying to appear spiritual? If he really needed God’s favor, why did he bring along an Eli-descendant, and not Samuel? And why was the ark brought again to battle? Unlike his son, Saul was not mindful of his history. No ark can bring them victory. Anyway, his show was short-lived and proven fake when commotion reached its height for he immediately called a withdraw of hand on the ark. So like us when we pray. Our impatience wants it fast and done our way. We even set a time limit for Him to answer, otherwise we’ll take the matter in our own hands. Tsk tsk! Arriving at the battle scene, they found the Philistines in total confusion, striking one another. Now ascertain of the win, they joined the pursuit, even those in hiding came out and fought along. Where were they when Jonathan was risking his life crossing enemy lines? Although God can pour down all help from heaven, He will not entrust it to men in their rest positions. His eyes range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2Chr16.9). God’s heroes are always on the move, acting upon their faith, and walking alongside Him. He honors workers, not wait-ers :>


Ever tried appearing spiritual? Let’s name a few:

Going to church on Sundays, but never godly on weekdays.
Asking people to pray for you, but never knelt down yourself.
Using bible verses in our conversations, but never really opened its pages.
Helping other people in need, but deaf to our family members.
Calling Him Lord, but never doing what He says.

I had my share of those stories. In fact all five examples. When I was younger and still with my parents, there are Sundays that we go to church and minister to people while still being angry with each other. There were a lot of instances that I even lead in worship yet I knew my heart wasn’t right with God. More humbling is when people tell me they were blessed with the singing. One big event in Windsong, it was in fact an evangelistic concert, that I was just so angry and bitter, and self absorbed all night. Many accepted and committed their lives to Jesus, and I can still remember how I so regret never being part of God’s victory, although part of its production! God gave Israel victory in this chapter because of one faith and regardless of all ‘fakes’. No one can hinder Him from blessing, but it is a pity when we forfeit our share.