Saturday, November 27, 2010

Peace At Last! (Part 1)

1 Samuel 7

Peace with God (vv.2-6)
If the Israelites really believe that the ark is where the presence of God resides, how come it stayed at Kiriath Jearim for twenty years? There was no mention of any effort from Eli’s remaining line to return what they called the ‘glory’ in Shiloh. Not even in Samuel’s lifetime was the ark mentioned again. No wonder the people continued to live in sin. They engage in idolatry to fill that vacuum that only a higher being can suffice. But their gods proved lacking for it cannot deliver them from the hands of the Philistines. Now at the end of their rope, they sought the Lord. It must really be heartbreaking for God to be man’s last resort :< But in our faithlessness, He remained faithful. He never abandoned Israel even though they had let His tablets settle in the outskirts and not in the heart of the city. In those two decades, He was all the while preparing Samuel to be their judge. Sometimes we wonder why God seems to be so silent in our deepest time of need when actually help is on the way. In His sovereignty, he perfectly timed Israel’s repentance with Samuel’s readiness to lead. Now we know why some of our prayers seemingly piles up in the waiting list. Either we’re still cherishing sin our hearts, or the right time has not yet come. Dear singles,  please patiently wait for His best for you. You wouldn’t want a half-baked, lifetime partner right? My love story can attest to that. :>

Three steps is required in true repentance. First is getting rid of everything that hinders your relationship with God, next is to commit not to do it again, and third is to serve Him only. One cannot turn TO God with turning FROM sin. What lies in between is that moment in time when you will do it. For the Israelites, they had to be assembled at Mizpah for their confession. Bruce Wilkinson in his book Personal Holiness in Times of Temptation calls this second step as Presentation. A dedication to mark your decision. It is why we have wedding ceremonies  to start a marriage or an inauguration for head of states. We all need a turning point. My decision to give up my personal ambition and pursue His calling for me was eighteen years ago in a PK camp. There was also that purity covenant I signed with my musician friends in our overnight at a friends’ house in Commonwealth, QC. There are a lot others I said Yes to which I vaguely remember because I did not take time to seriously sit down and maybe make a memorial for it.  We are forgetful people. Studies show that if we don’t make an action to experience learning, most likely, we will not remember it. Joshua said ‘Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve..” What’s your decision today?

Whenever we’re asked in Windsong to prepare a lineup of songs, we usually ask the inviting group’s  Scripture reference for that event. From those verses, the first question we ask is, “Who is God in this passage?” Worship is all about who He is, and not what we want to do for Him. In my reading this morning, I had to ask that question again. He answered me, “I am the God of Second Chances”.  Betrayal is the most painful heartbreak in all relationships. You gave your all, your trust, your love, and your ungrateful significant other would just throw that away and leave you dishonored and shattered. You’ll find it hard to forgive, vowed to never forget, and promised yourself you won’t ever look that way again.  Adam was banished from the garden, there was flood in Noah’s time, those who crossed the Red Sea made a golden calf,  Exodus became forty years instead of forty days, and whenever a judge dies, His people returned to idol worship. And over and over again, whenever His people repent of their sin, His compassion will welcome them back. Even with the knowledge that we will fall again, He will still run when we return. How can He do that? Why will He do that? The answer is in His unconditional love. Guess what? We’re called to do likewise. Forgive a brother, reconcile with your husband, honor your parents, submit to your leaders. It’s hardest when we feel that these people are just undeserving. We’re so much like the unmerciful servant, forgiven from his ten thousand debt but wouldn’t let go of a fellow servant who owe him one hundred denarii. Forgive as the Lord has forgiven us.

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Peace At Last! (Part 1)

1 Samuel 7

Peace with God (vv.2-6)
If the Israelites really believe that the ark is where the presence of God resides, how come it stayed at Kiriath Jearim for twenty years? There was no mention of any effort from Eli’s remaining line to return what they called the ‘glory’ in Shiloh. Not even in Samuel’s lifetime was the ark mentioned again. No wonder the people continued to live in sin. They engage in idolatry to fill that vacuum that only a higher being can suffice. But their gods proved lacking for it cannot deliver them from the hands of the Philistines. Now at the end of their rope, they sought the Lord. It must really be heartbreaking for God to be man’s last resort :< But in our faithlessness, He remained faithful. He never abandoned Israel even though they had let His tablets settle in the outskirts and not in the heart of the city. In those two decades, He was all the while preparing Samuel to be their judge. Sometimes we wonder why God seems to be so silent in our deepest time of need when actually help is on the way. In His sovereignty, he perfectly timed Israel’s repentance with Samuel’s readiness to lead. Now we know why some of our prayers seemingly piles up in the waiting list. Either we’re still cherishing sin our hearts, or the right time has not yet come. Dear singles,  please patiently wait for His best for you. You wouldn’t want a half-baked, lifetime partner right? My love story can attest to that. :>

Three steps is required in true repentance. First is getting rid of everything that hinders your relationship with God, next is to commit not to do it again, and third is to serve Him only. One cannot turn TO God with turning FROM sin. What lies in between is that moment in time when you will do it. For the Israelites, they had to be assembled at Mizpah for their confession. Bruce Wilkinson in his book Personal Holiness in Times of Temptation calls this second step as Presentation. A dedication to mark your decision. It is why we have wedding ceremonies  to start a marriage or an inauguration for head of states. We all need a turning point. My decision to give up my personal ambition and pursue His calling for me was eighteen years ago in a PK camp. There was also that purity covenant I signed with my musician friends in our overnight at a friends’ house in Commonwealth, QC. There are a lot others I said Yes to which I vaguely remember because I did not take time to seriously sit down and maybe make a memorial for it.  We are forgetful people. Studies show that if we don’t make an action to experience learning, most likely, we will not remember it. Joshua said ‘Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve..” What’s your decision today?

Whenever we’re asked in Windsong to prepare a lineup of songs, we usually ask the inviting group’s  Scripture reference for that event. From those verses, the first question we ask is, “Who is God in this passage?” Worship is all about who He is, and not what we want to do for Him. In my reading this morning, I had to ask that question again. He answered me, “I am the God of Second Chances”.  Betrayal is the most painful heartbreak in all relationships. You gave your all, your trust, your love, and your ungrateful significant other would just throw that away and leave you dishonored and shattered. You’ll find it hard to forgive, vowed to never forget, and promised yourself you won’t ever look that way again.  Adam was banished from the garden, there was flood in Noah’s time, those who crossed the Red Sea made a golden calf,  Exodus became forty years instead of forty days, and whenever a judge dies, His people returned to idol worship. And over and over again, whenever His people repent of their sin, His compassion will welcome them back. Even with the knowledge that we will fall again, He will still run when we return. How can He do that? Why will He do that? The answer is in His unconditional love. Guess what? We’re called to do likewise. Forgive a brother, reconcile with your husband, honor your parents, submit to your leaders. It’s hardest when we feel that these people are just undeserving. We’re so much like the unmerciful servant, forgiven from his ten thousand debt but wouldn’t let go of a fellow servant who owe him one hundred denarii. Forgive as the Lord has forgiven us.